Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

Agyeman-Fisher, Abena. “Kobe Bryant’s Wife Scores Big In Divorce Settlement.”
            Newsone.com. Interactive One, 20 Jan. 2012. Web. 20 March 2012.
The state of California has a legalized ten-year divorce law. It implies that ten years is a lengthy relationship. Although it is legal, it now makes marrying for the “right” reasons irrelevant. News One for Black America published the article. They are showing a good example through Vanessa and Kobe of the corrupt California law. By using a popular couple, individuals on the computer are more likely to click on the link.

CNN. “Kobe Claims Innocent to Sexual Assault Charges FULL VERSION.”
            YouTube.com. YouTube, 7 May 2008. Web. 20 March 2012.
Not only did Kobe cheat on his wife in 2003, he was also accused of sexual assault on the nineteen-year-old hotel employee victim. Kobe pleads not guilty and requests that his case be tried to a Colorado jury. CNN publicized Kobe’s shared statement to America pleading his innocence. Many people watch CNN as it airs frequently on television providing accurate news to the society. Although originally this video was found on the CNN website I discovered the video on YouTube, which obtains millions of viewers every day.

Glynn, Michael. “Inside Kobe Bryant Divorce Dossier.” Nationalenquirer.com.
            America Media, Inc., 27 Dec. 2011. Web. 20 March 2012.
Vanessa Bryant hired private investigators to tail Kobe and supply her with detailed information. The investigators brought back intimate pictures and proof that Kobe was cheating on Vanessa. They also found out that he had cheated on Vanessa with over one hundred women. This makes Kobe a cheating king. The National Enquirer is a dependable American tabloid, filled with more than fifty years of celebrity news.

Lee, Ken. “Kobe Bryant’s Wife Files for Divorce.” People.com. Time Inc., 17 Dec. 2011.
            Web. 20 March 2012.
Vanessa and Kobe Bryant were married in April of 2001. After Kobe cheated on his wife in 2003, she was soon seen wearing a four million dollar “apology” ring. It now seems that Kobe is a free agent and Vanessa is the proud owner of three of their mansions. The couple told People they were hoping for privacy regarding the divorce situation in light of their young children and the upcoming holiday. People magazine provides the number one magazine for celebrity breaking news. It is what someone might pick up while waiting in line at the grocery store. Their covers are intriguing with large titles and pictures of familiar faces with gossip that everyone wants to hear.

Reicher, Michael. “Kobe Bryant divorce: Three homes to Vanessa probably just a
            start.” Latimesblogs.com. Los Angeles Times, 23 Jan. 2012. Web. 20 March
Before marriage Vanessa and Kobe Bryant did not sign a prenuptial agreement. This means that Vanessa is entitled to half of their community property. To go along with the seventy-five million dollars Vanessa will be receiving from Kobe, she will also acquire three of their mansions and continuous child support. The Los Angeles Times produces the LA Times blogs. The LA Times blogs are accurate and up to date about information regarding celebrity news.

TMZ Staff. “Kobe Bryant and Vanessa Kiss and Make up … ‘Cause It’s Worth It’.”
            TMZ.com. EHM Productions, Inc., 16 Feb. 2012. Web. 20 March 2012.
Vanessa asked for an official divorce from her husband Kobe in December 2011. On Valentine’s Day in 2012 Vanessa was spotted in the stands at a Laker’s home basketball game, cheering on her ex. After the game they were caught kissing near the Laker’s locker room. Even though they were divorced, Kobe bought Vanessa either a car or a very expensive necklace for Valentine’s Day. TMZ created a funny video detailing the events that occurred the night of the game. The video was displayed on the TMZ website on February 16th, just one day are the incident.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


            This video was taken after Kobe had a sexual encounter with a nineteen-year-old Colorado hotel employee. The incidence was reported to be a sexual assault. Sexual assault would have put Kobe in jail for a while, possibly even life. Clearly with a criminal record his basketball career would have ended. Kobe claims he is innocent and he will be tried in front of a Colorado jury.
            Kobe says he is furious and disgusted at himself, yet he continued to cheat on Vanessa after purchasing a four million dollar apology ring. It is preposterous that Kobe had so little to say concerning the matter! He was very repetitive and continually apologized and claimed his innocence. Vanessa is calmly sitting beside him, stroking his hand and supporting him. Also, notice that there is no microphone placed in front of Vanessa. She does not even have the chance to give her outlook. I mean come on Vanessa stand up for your self, leave him! It makes me wonder, if it were not for the money would she have left him? The fact that she stayed with him just long enough to receive his wealth leads me to believe that she would have left him if it had already been ten years.
            At least Kobe had the decency to admit to adultery in front of his wife and America. I respect that even if it was his only choice. Kobe states that there is a lot at stake, but that it has nothing to do with the money and basketball. Is that how Vanessa feels? It is clear why Vanessa stuck with Kobe, forgave him, then left him in 2011. When Vanessa officially left Kobe in December it had been ten years and she was set for life. What is funny is they both wanted what they could not have. Now Vanessa has Kobe’s money and now Kobe can have multiple women because he is not married. Even though the two are apart and the divorce will be finalized soon, I do not think this is the end of Vanessa and Kobe Bryant. If they were to get back together it would be out of true love, because both already received what they could not have. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Both are Pigs

            Who’s the innocent one? Although it seems as if Vanessa is the obvious innocent victim in the divorce situation, I would not be so quick to make that assumption. Vanessa married the superstar basketball player when she was the mere age of eighteen. At this point Kobe was twenty-two and already in the pros. Having been there for five years, he had obtained sizeable amounts of money and had already built a solid career as a pro basketball player.
            Marrying into the rich and famous lifestyle at a young age was not a problem for Vanessa. I think she loved him in the beginning, but it had to be in the back of her mind that she would be well off for the rest of her life. That is, as long as she stayed married to him for at least ten years. In 2003, when Vanessa found out about Kobe cheating she hired private investigators. Although Kobe had no clue he would be tracked by private investigators, which would in return give Vanessa vital information and intimate pictures regarding his affairs.
            One would think when Vanessa saw the reports these investigators brought her she would have left him in 2003. A smart girl would have left Kobe. That fact that she stayed with him makes Vanessa look dumb, which greatly lowers her dignity. Evidence suggests that he had at least ten affairs a year, accumulating to cheating on Vanessa with over 100 women. Astonishingly Vanessa stuck by Kobe, essentially for his earnings. Even though Vanessa went ballistic every time she found out about something new she never did anything about it. She never left him and she always accepted Kobe’s apologies. The underlying issue always comes back to the money, because it was not a problem to leave Kobe after Vanessa knew she was well off for life. Those unfamiliar with the concern may be interested to know that basically both Kobe and Vanessa are pigs! Truth is Kobe will continue to cheat and Vanessa will pursue Kobe for the money, intending to receive every dime she can. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cash Conquers All!

            Are Kobe and Vanessa back together? The video from TMZ proves the two were smooching on Valentine’s Day after Vanessa filed for divorce.  It seems as if Vanessa came running back to Kobe even without another four million dollar ring as an apology.  While it was not particularly publicized, Kobe bought Vanessa either a car or an expensive necklace for Valentine’s Day. Was coming to the game Vanessa’s “Thank you?”
            By focusing on Kobe cheating, we overlook the deeper problem of Vanessa’s motives. Vanessa contradicts herself because she cannot have it both ways. On the one hand, she wants to be with him and have a family. But on the other hand, it also seems like she is just in the relationship for money.  Their marriage was essentially a game of love. Even though they kissed after the Laker’s game on Valentine’s Day, I predict they will not get back together, simply because being married for material reasons do not last!
            Through his actions Kobe has proven to want the relationship to work and by Vanessa making an appearance at the game on Valentine’s Day this could indicate that she wants to make amends as well.  Although through the TMZ video Kobe is made to seem like he wants to recompense to get the money back. Is this true? If the evidence is true Kobe is one sneaky, smart guy because the divorce is not final yet. It is strategic because if Vanessa comes back to him he could earn all the money back that essentially belongs to him. Through the pictures it may seem as if they are working on reconciliation, but it seems as if Kobe’s hope is much more in earning back his mansions than in winning Vanessa’s love in return.  

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lengthy Relationships

            What is a lengthy relationship? Is five years long? Or is fifty years a long relationship? When someone gets married they pledge to be together for a lifetime. Today we pick whom we marry, when we marry, and how we marry. Even though through celebrities we frequently witness two to six year marriages, I do not think that is how it is supposed to happen.
            In 2003, when Kobe cheated on Vanessa they stayed together and tried mending things back together. After Vanessa found out about the cheating for a second time, she ended things with the superstar basketball player Kobe Bryant. The couple was officially married for ten years. In California there is a ten-year divorce law. Essentially it states that if a couple in California is married for ten years both spouses should preserve their lifestyle after the marital breakup. This is how Vanessa received half of Kobe’s earnings. Even though this rule was probably made for a good purpose, it has most likely turned marriages in California to sticking it out for the money. This rule should not continue to exist, because it is leading us into a perpetual hole of unhealthy marriages for the future.
            The true question is did Vanessa know about this rule in 2003, and purposely stay with Kobe to receive his money? I believe she did. When she was a kid her mother did the same thing to Vanessa’s father. Vanessa’s parents divorced right at the ten-year mark, so I know Vanessa knew about this rule.  You know when Vanessa was having trouble with Kobe, her mom reminded her to gut it out till the ten years were up. Not only does this make Vanessa and her mother look sneaky, but it also makes spouses of superstar athletes look corrupt. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Rings and Everything Extreme

Vanessa and Kobe Bryant were married for ten years before filing for an official divorce. This was not the first time Kobe had supposedly “cheated” on Vanessa.  In July of 2003 it was reported that Kobe sexually assaulted a female hotel employee in Colorado. Once Vanessa fount out, Kobe tried to buy her an apology ring. The supposed apology ring costed around an estimated four million dollars.
            Since the divorce the couple has had to split Kobe’s earnings. Since Vanessa and Kobe did not sign a prenuptial agreement, Vanessa is entitled to half of their community property. She will be receiving at least seventy-five million dollars, along with three multi-million dollar homes and joint custody of their two daughters. The four million dollar, eight-carat, purple diamond apology ring was considered a gift. An apology cannot be bought.  Apologies therefore have to be earned, but in today’s society cheating on your spouse then asking for forgiveness is the norm. Since the divorce, the question is who will keep the ring?
            I used to think once a gift was given and in possession of the recipient it was theirs. But recently I have learned researchers suggest that in California a gift is not legally considered a gift until there is a signed paper noting that it is a gift. Under legal circumstances, the ring’s value should be split between the feuding couple. Also, this ring proves that Kobe bought Vanessa’s love back, so what is that saying about women in America? Are we that easy to “buy back”? Vanessa is setting a bad example for strong women in America. She proves here that women are naive enough to be able to be bought back. In other words, it is ok for our husband’s to cheat on us, because as Vanessa displays, we will forgive them! Even though the ring is technically community property between the two, I think Vanessa should be able to keep the ring.